Friday 15 November 2019

Thursday 7 November 2019

Friday 1 November 2019

Polish refugees land in New Zealand

Polish refugees land in New Zealand
For the 733 children and 102 adults, it was the end of a long and perilous journey. They had survived deportation to the Soviet Union, forced labo.ur in Siberia and evacuation to the Middle East before reaching New Zealand

An estimated 1.7 million Poles were deported to labour camps in Siberia following the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland in 1939. 
Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 prompted Joseph Stalin to send over 120,000 Polish prisoners to Iran,

In 1943 Prime Minister Peter Fraser invited a group of Polish children to New Zealand for the duration of the war. 

Most of the refugees chose to settle in New Zealand after the war.

Relatives joined some in the late 1940s, while a small number returned to Poland.
Image result for polish refugees land in New Zealand

Wednesday 30 October 2019

mid term grading

Thinking about this module write about one thing you are doing well and one thing you need to improve on.

One thing I need to improve on is if the teachers ask my group to stop talking and do the work given. I need to stop talking.

One thing I did well is completing my book and doing all the questions.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Wahine Shipwreck

Wahine Shipwreck.
there were 733 people on the ship but when it crashed 51 people died and only 682 people survived. The Wahine ship crashed on 10th April 1968 and is was sinking at 2:30 pm. 

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Death of poet James K. Baxter.

Death of poet James K. Baxter.
Acknowledged as one of New Zealand’s most accomplished poets, Baxter had devoted the last years of his life to social work among alcoholics and drug addicts.
Image result for james k. baxterHe died in Auckland, aged 46, soon after leaving the commune he had founded several years earlier at Jerusalem (Hiruhārama) on the Whanganui River
James K Baxter was a alcoholics and drug addicts and was still famous.
He died at the age of 46, from coronary thrombosis.

Monday 21 October 2019

Stolen medals returned to national army museum

 Stolen medals returned to national army museum
  • The 96 medals, including nine Victoria Crosses, two George Crosses and an Albert Medal, had been stolen from the Waiōuru museum early on the morning of 2 December 2007.
When the police formally returned the medals to the National Army Museum, 85 descendants of the 12 men awarded the medals were present at the handover on the Waiōuru parade ground.